Responsibility Accounting- expense and revenue centre

Responsibility accounting is a system of dividing an organization into similar units, each of which is to be assigned particular responsibilities. Responsibility accounting is a management control system based on the principles of delegating and locating responsibility.  Responsibility accounting is a system under which managers are given decisions making authority and responsibility for each activity occurring within a specific area of the company. Under this system, managers are made responsible for the activities of segments. These segments may be called departments, branches or divisions etc. Among the control techniques “responsibility accounting” has assumed considerable significance. While the other control devices are applicable to the organization as a whole, responsibility accounting represents a method of measuring the performance of various divisions of an organization.

According to Charles T. Horongrent,
“Responsibility Accounting or profitability accounting or activity accounting which means the same thing, is a system that recognizes various decision or responsibility centers throughout the organization and traces costs (and revenue, assets and liabilities) to the individual managers who are primarily responsibility for making decisions about the costs in question.”

Some Basic Requirements
·                     To implement a responsibility accounting system, the business must be organized so that              responsibility is assignable to individual managers.
·                     The various managers and their lines of responsibility should be fully defined.

·                     The organization chart is usually used as a basis for responsibility reporting.


For effective control, a large firm is usually divided into meaningful segments, departments or divisions. These sub units or divisions of an organization are called responsibility centres.

Responsibility centre is a segment or an autonomous unit or division of a company defined according to function or product line. For e.g.-
 a. Function- marketing, production, finance, etc.
 b. Product line- shoe department, electrical products, food division, etc.

 A responsibility centre is a segment of an organization for which a particular executive is responsible.

In the words of Deakin and Maher,

“A responsibility centre is a specific unit of an organization assigned to a manager who is responsible for its operations and resources.”

For control purposes, responsibility centres are generally categorized into-
1.      Cost / expense centre
2.       Revenue centre
3.      Profit centre
4.      Investment centre


An expense centre is a responsibility centre in which inputs, but not outputs, are measured in monetary terms. Responsibility accounting is based on financial information relating to inputs (costs) and outputs (revenues). In an expense centre of responsibility, the accounting system records only the cost incurred by the centre but the revenues earned (outputs) are excluded. An expense centre measures financial performance in terms of cost incurred by it. In other words, the performance measured in an expense centre is efficiency of operation in that centre in terms of the quantity of inputs used in producing some given output.

The modus operandi is to compare actual inputs to some predetermined level that represents efficient utilization. The variance between the actual and budget standard would be indicative of the efficiency of the division. Cost centres are usually the most basic unit of responsibility accounting.

Types of cost / expenses centres-
There are generally two types of expense centres:
1.      Engineered expense centre
2.      Discretionary expense centre


Engineered expense centre have the following characteristics:
·         Their inputs can be measured in monetary terms.
·         Their output can be measured in physical terms.
·         The optimal rupee amount of input required to produce one unit of output can be established.
Engineered expense centre usually are found in manufacturing operations. Warehousing, distribution, trucking and similar units in the marketing organization also may be engineered expense centre and so many certain responsibility centre within administrative and support department. Examples are accounts receivable, account payable and payroll section in the controller department, personnel record and cafeteria in the human resource department, shareholder record in the corporate secretary department etc. such units perform repetitive task for which standard cost can be developed. In an engineered expense centre the output multiplied by the standard cost of each unit produced represents what the finished product should have cost. When this cost is compared to actual costs, the difference between the two represents the efficiency of the organization unit being measured.
Expense centre supervisor are responsible for the quality of good and for volume of production in addition to their responsibility for cost efficiency. Therefore the type and amount of production is prescribed and specific quality standards are set so that manufacturing costs are not minimized at the expense of quality.

For example:
The report of an expense centre is given below:

This shows that the expense centre has spent more than budgeted. This means that the expense centre is not performing efficiently and is held responsible for the unfavorable performance of the department.

The output of discretionary expense centre cannot be measured in monetary terms. They include administration and support units, research and development organization and most marketing activities.
Management has decided on certain policies that should govern the operation of the company i.e. whether to match, exceed or spend less than the marketing effort of its competitors, the appropriate amount of spending on research and development, etc.
The difference between the budgeted and actual expense is not a measure of efficiency in a discretionary expense centre, it is simply the difference between the budgeted and actual input. It, in no way, measures the value of output. If actual expenses do not exceed the budget amount the manager has “lived within the budget”. We cannot say that living within the budget is efficient performance.

Type Of Cost
Cause And Effect Or Cost Benefit Relationship
Relationships are difficult or impossible to define. 
Cost of administration and support services such as employee training, legal advice, research and development, etc.
Relationships are relatively easy to define.
Direct resources used in productive activities such as direct materials, etc.

Revenue centre

In a revenue centre, output (i.e. revenue) is measured in monetary terms, but no formal attempt is made to relate input (i.e. expense or cost) to output (if expense was matched with revenue, the unit would be a profit centre).  Typically revenue centre is marketing or sale unit wh8ich do not have authority to set selling price and are not charged for the cost of goods they market.

  Revenue Center Performance Reports
A revenue center performance report looks very similar to a cost center performance report.

Notice that the only difference is the name at the top of the report and that the word “expense” has been replaced with “product”. Make sure to look at each report carefully to determine if you are looking at a cost center report or a revenue center report.
The only difference with a revenue center performance report is the determination of favorable or unfavorable variances. Use the same methodology used in the cost center report. Look to see if the actual amount is greater or less than the budgeted amount. For the Standard Model, actual is more than budget. Here we are discussing revenue. Is higher revenue good or bad? Higher revenue is good, so the $90,000 variance is favorable. The Deluxe Model has sales $20,000 lower than budgeted, which is bad and therefore unfavorable.
A company should not just investigate unfavorable variances. The Executive Model’s sales were 10% higher than budgeted. The national sales director might want to know how the Midwest Region was able to increase sales in order to help boost sales in other regions of the country. Favorable variances are just as important as unfavorable variances.


Responsibility accounting is a management control system based on the principles of delegating and locating responsibility. The authority is delegated on responsibility centre and the responsibility centre is accountable to achieve pre- defined targets.
There are various types of responsibility centres which are responsible for expense, profit, revenue and investment etc. under this system the managers are responsible for activities of segments. These segments can be departments, branches or divisions, etc.


Ø  Arora, Manoj & Kumar, Vishal. ‘Business Performance Measurement’. Kalyani Publishers.


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