
Showing posts from 2020

Case Study on Intranet

What is Coca-Cola Enterprises? Coca-Cola Enterprises (CCE) is one of the world’s largest Coca-Cola bottlers. It manufactures, bottles and markets Coca-Cola products in Belgium, France, Great Britain, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, and Sweden – including sparkling soft drinks, sports and energy drinks, juices, and waters. What was the challenge? In October 2010, CCE sold its operations in North America and acquired the Coca-Cola bottling operations in Norway and Sweden. This created a company with 13,000 employees operating solely in Europe. As part of a drive to increase productivity and create a sense of belonging to the new organization, a project team was created to research, develop and execute how digital communications could help employees to act more as ‘one business’. What did the team do? First, they carried out 1,500 hours of research during 2011 to find out what employees and the business needed. They found that: 1. Employees wanted more timely, accurate

My Role Model- APJ Abdul Kalam

A role model is a person whose example, behaviour, achievements, success stories can be emulated by other individuals especially young people. A role model is someone from whom other individual gets inspiration and aspires to be like them. One of the most important characteristics of an ideal role model is never to give up hope and hard work in the face of oddities. Life is ready to throw challenges at different stages but a true winner is the one who does not get vulnerable to the unfavorable situation and keeps on finding ways to beat the challenge and fight right up to success. Dr.APJ Abdul Kalam has encouraged many young blood of India to dream big and achieve those. He belongs to a poor family yet with his hard work and self belief, became the 11th President of India. He did not have anyone to support him at childhood as his father’s income was not as per needs. Kalam, at a very early age had to start working to support his father financially by selling newspapers at Rameswaram