forecasting of demand

A forecast is an estimate of an event which will happen in future. The event may be demand of a product, rainfall at a particular place, population of a particular country, or growth of a technology. The forecast value is not deterministic quantity. Since, it is an estimate based on past data related to a particular event, proper care must be given in estimating it.
In any industrial enterprise, forecasting is the first level decision activity that is the demand of a particular product must be available before taking any other decision problems like material planning, scheduling, type of production system (mass or batch production ) to be implemented, etc.
The demand forecast gives the expected level of demand for goods or services. This is the basic input for business planning and control. Hence, decisions for all the functions of any corporate house are influenced by demand forecast.
In simple words, forecast means prediction of future events with certain amount of accuracy. Such predictions are rarely perfect regardless of the quantity of historical data and the extent of managerial experience. Problems before a manufacturing organizations are:
a.      What to produce?
b.      When to produce?
c.       At what cost to produce?
d.      Where to produce?
Thus, by estimating or predicting the sales gives the base for the quantity of production. Therefore, forecasting means, demand forecasting and indirectly the sales. Thus we can say demand forecast refers to the prediction or estimation of future situation under given constrain.
In the words of Garfield,
“Demand forecasts are first approximations in production planning. Demand forecast is an estimate of sales in monetary or physical units for a specific future period under a proposed plan”.

1.      Based on duration
a.      Short term demand forecasting: Short term demand forecasting is concerned with short time period, usually less than one year. This is required for current production scheduling, purchase of raw material and inventory of stock, etc.  In a short run forecast, seasonal patterns are of much importance. It may cover a period of three months, six months or one year. It is one which provides information for tactical decisions.
b.      Medium term demand forecasting:  Medium term demand forecasting usually concerned with time period varying between, say two to five years.
c.       Long term demand forecasting: Long term forecasting of demand is needed for capacity expansion i.e. growth of the firm, recruitment and diversification policies, for all these decisions have long run implication.
2.     Based on nature
According to nature the forecast may be general or specific. Though the general forecast is useful for the firm. It will be more helpful if the general forecast is broken down into specific forecast with respect to commodities, sales area, etc.
3.     Based on products
On the basis of product, forecast may be termed as capital and consumer durable and non durable products according to nature of product. Capital goods are the goods which are used for further production. It includes machinery, equipments, etc. the demand for capital goods is derived demand.
4.     Based on level
According to level, forecast can be micro or macro. Micro is concerned with industry or company like industrial products. Forecasting at national or international level is macroeconomic forecasting.
5.     Based on peculiarities
In every forecast peculiar factors such as competition, sociological consideration, cultural factors and fashions are relevant.
6.     Based on status of the product
For the established products, past sales trends and the competitive conditions are known while this is not so in case of new product.


1.      Active forecasting
Under active forecast, prediction is done under the condition of likely future changes in the actions by the firms.
2.     Passive forecasting
Under passive forecast prediction about future is based on the assumption that                                    the firm does not change the course of its action.

Many factors influence demand at any given time. These factors are internal and external.
1.      External factors
External factors are those over which management has no control especially the general state of economy. Boom economy may positively influence the demand but the effect may not be same for all products. Some external factors affecting demand are:
a.      General state of the economy
b.      Government actions
c.       Consumer tastes
d.      Public image of the product
e.      Competitor actions
2.     Internal factors
Internal decisions can affect the demand for products. Recognition by management that these decisions can be controlled encourages the management to respond actively.
Some internal factors affecting demand are:
a.      Product design
b.      Price and advertisement programs
c.       Packaging design
d.      Sales person quotas and incentives
e.      Product mix

1.      Short term objectives
The following are the objectives of short term demand forecasting.
·         To evolve a suitable production policy: Short term forecasts help the firm to plan the production so as to avoid the problems of over production and short supply.
·         To plan the purchase of raw materials: The firm's can plan the purchase of raw materials at appropriate time to reduce the cost and control inventories.
·         To plan short term financial requirements: The firms require not only short term funds for purchase of raw materials and payment of wages, but also medium term funds for replacement and renewal to maintain productive efficiency.
·         To determine appropriate price policy: Short run forecasting helps the firm to evolve a suitable price policy depending upon the expected market conditions to maintain consistent sales.
·         To fix sales targets: Realistic sales targets can be fixed for the salesmen on the basis of short term demand forecasting. If the targets are too high the salesmen may fail to achieve them and they will get discouraged. If the targets are too low the salesmen will achieve the targets so easily that the incentives will prove meaningless.

2.     Long term objectives

The following are the objectives of long term demand forecasting.
·         To plan the establishment of a new unit or expansion of an existing unit: Planning of a new unit or expansion of an existing unit requires an analysis of the long term demand potential of the products. The competitive strength of the firm will be greater if it has better knowledge than the rivals of the growth trends in the economy.
·         To plan long term financial requirements: Long run forecasts are essential to assess long term financial requirements. When the funds required for expansion, modernization and diversification are large, it takes time to make necessary arrangements for raising sufficient resources through long term loans and the issue of shares and debentures.
·         To plan manpower requirements: Long term demand forecasting is useful for manpower planning. Training and personnel development can be started well in advance on the basis of estimates of manpower requirements assessed according to long term demand forecasts.


There are different forecasts for different types of products like:
(i) Forecasting demand for non­durable consumer goods,
(ii) Forecasting demand for durable consumer goods,
(iii) Forecasting de­mand for capital goods, and
(iv) Forecasting demand for new-products.
Non-Durable Consumer Goods
These are also known as ‘single-use consumer goods’ or perishable consumer goods. These vanish after a single act of consumption. These include goods like food, milk, medicine, fruits, etc. Demand for these goods depends upon household disposable income, price of the commodity and the related goods and population and characteristics. Symbolically,
Dc =f(y, s, p, pr) where
Dc = the demand for commodity с
у = the household disposable income
s = population
p = price of the commodity с
pr = price of its related goods
(i) Disposable income expressed as Dc = f (y) i.e. other things being equal, the demand for commodity с depends upon the disposable income of the household. Disposable income of the house­hold is estimated after the deduction of personal taxes from the personal income. Disposable income gives an idea about the purchasing power of the household.
(ii) Price, expressed as Dc = f (p, pr) i.e. other things being equal, demand for commodity с depends upon its own price and the price of related goods. While the demand for a commodity is inversely related to its own price of its complements. It is positively related to its substitutes.’ Price elasticities and cross elasticities of non-durable consumer goods help in their demand forecasting.
(iii) Population, expressed as Dc= f (5) i.e. other things being equal, demand for commodity с depends upon the size of population and its composition. Besides, population can also be classified on the basis of sex, income, literacy and social status. Demand for non-durable consumer goods is influ­enced by all these factors. For the general demand forecasting population as a whole is considered, but for specific demand forecasting division of population according to different characteristics proves to be more useful.
Durable Consumer Goods
These goods can be consumed a number of times or repeatedly used without much loss to their utility. These include goods like car, T.V., air-conditioners, furniture etc. After their long use, consum­ers have a choice either these could be consumed in future or could be disposed of.
The choice depends upon the following factors:
(i) Whether a consumer will go for the replacement of a durable good or keep on using it after necessary repairs depends upon his social status, level of money income, taste and fashion, etc. Re­placement demand tends to grow with increase in the stock of the commodity with the consumers. The firm can estimate the average replacement cost with the help of life expectancy table.
(ii) Most consumer durables are consumed in common by the members of a family. For instance, T.V., refrigerator, etc. are used in common by households. Demand forecasts for goods commonly used should take into account the number of households rather than the total size of population. While estimating the number of households, the income of the household, the number of children and sex- composition, etc. should be taken into account.
(iii) Demand for consumer durables depends upon the availability of allied facilities. For example, the use of T.V., refrigerator needs regular supply of power, the use of car needs availability of fuel, etc. While forecasting demand for consumer durables, the provision of allied services and their cost should also be taken into account.
(iv) Demand for consumer durables is very much influenced by their prices and their credit facilities. Consumer durables are very much sensitive to price changes. A small fall in their price may bring large increase in demand.
Forecasting Demand for Capital Goods
Capital goods are used for further production. The demand for capital good is a derived one. It will depend upon the profitability of industries. The demand for capital goods is a case of derived demand. In the case of particular capital goods, demand will depend on the specific markets they serve and the end uses for which they are bought.
The demand for textile machinery will, for instance, be determined by the expansion of textile industry in terms of new units and replacement of existing machinery. Estimation of new demand as well as replacement demand is thus necessary.
Three types of data are required in estimating the demand for capital goods:
(a) The growth prospects of the user industries must be known,
(b) The norm of consumption of the capital goods per unit of each end-use product must be known, and
(c) The velocity of their use.
Forecasting Demand for New Products
The methods of forecasting demand for new products are in many ways different from those for established products. Since the product is new to the consumers, an intensive study of the product and its likely impact upon other products of the same group provides a key to an intelligent projection of demand.
Joel Dean has classified a number of possible approaches as follows:
(a) Evolutionary Approach:
It consists of projecting the demand for a new product as an outgrowth and evolution of an existing old product.
(b) Substitute Approach:
According to this approach the new product is treated as a substitute for the existing product or service.
(c) Growth Curve Approach:
It estimates the rate of growth and potential demand for the new product as the basis of some growth pattern of an established product.
(d) Opinion-Poll Approach:
Under this approach the demand is estimated by direct enquiries from the ultimate consumers.
(e) Sales Experience Approach:
According to this method the demand for the new product is estimated by offering the new product for sale in a sample market.
(f) Vicarious Approach:
By this method, the consumers’ reactions for a new product are found out indirectly through the specialized dealers who are able to judge the consumers’ needs, tastes and preferences.
The various steps involved in forecasting the demand for non-durable consumer goods are the following:
(a) First identify the variables affecting the demand for the product and express them in appropriate forms, (b) gather relevant data or approximation to relevant data to represent the variables, and (c) use methods of statistical analysis to determine the most probable relationship between the dependent and independent variables.
1.      Distribution of resources: We know that inputs are processed to result into output. These inputs include resources like materials, machinery and of course human resources. The business firm also has to take decisions regarding capital arrangement, manpower planning and so on. These all could be done with a bit of ease if the firm has idea about the demand for its product. In short the estimation of demand enables the firm to undertake critical business decisions.

2.      Helps in avoiding wastages of resources: Demand forecasting is not an option but compulsion in today’s competitive environment. Imagine a firm that does not undertake demand forecasting. As a result it will have no clue as to where its product stands in the market and how is the future demand for the same. This may result in wastage of resources. So in order to avoid wastages it is always beneficial to have a sense of future demand for the products and services.

3.      Serves as a direction to production: The production process is not confirmed to producing goods and services. Producers need to ensure that there is continuous supply of goods and services in the market. If there is proper prediction of the demand, then it serves as a handy tool for the businesses to undertake future production activities. This is but obvious because if there is strong demand expected in the future then the firm can take steps accordingly. Also if the firm sees lack of demand in the coming times, then too decisions regarding the future production could be taken accordingly.

4.      Pricing: The decision regarding pricing of the goods and services is perhaps one of the most critical business decisions. Demand forecasting is useful in this area too. If there are sincere predictions about the future sales of the firm’s product then it could serve as a good aid to devise pricing strategies.

5.      Helps in devising sales policy: Production is followed by sales. Demand forecasting is nothing but estimating the sales of the product. The business firms can plan its sales policy effectively on the backdrop of demand forecasting. This also implies that the distribution of goods and services can be done appropriately depending upon the predictions of the demand for the product.

6.      Decrease of business risk: Where there is business there is risk. Demand forecasting though does not completely remove the business uncertainties, helps in reducing the risks and uncertainties to a certain extent.

7.      Inventory management: Inventories is one of those aspects which is closely associated with demand. This is because inventories are kept by the producers to meet the demand in the coming times. Demand forecasting helps in devising appropriate inventory management policies

Thus we have seen that whether it is distribution of resources, production, sales or inventory, demand forecasting is useful in all these areas. The markets are nothing but a play of demand and supply. Since demand is such an indispensable part of the market, demand forecasting is bound to be of great help to the producers.
A forecast should have following qualities:
(i)            Accuracy:
The forecast obtained must be accurate. How is an accurate forecast possible? To obtain an accurate forecast, it is essential to check the accuracy of past forecasts against present performance and of present forecasts against future performance. Accuracy cannot be tested by precise measure­ment but buy judgment.
(ii) Plausibility:
The executive should have good understanding of the technique chosen and they should have confidence in the techniques used. Understanding is also needed for a proper interpretation of results. Plausibility requirements can often improve the accuracy of results.
(iii) Durability:
Unfortunately, a demand function fitted to past experience may back cost very greatly and still fall apart in a short time as a forecaster. The durability of the forecasting power of a demand function depends partly on the reasonableness and simplicity of functions fitted, but primarily on the stability of the understanding relationships measured in the past. Of course, the importance of durability deter­mines the allowable cost of the forecast.
(iv) Flexibility:
Flexibility can be viewed as an alternative to generality. A long lasting function could be set up in terms of basic natural forces and human motives. Even though fundamental, it would nevertheless be hard to measure and thus not very useful. A set of variables whose co-efficient could be adjusted from time to time to meet changing conditions in more practical way to maintain intact the routine procedure of forecasting.
(v) Availability:
Immediate availability of data is a vital requirement and the search for reasonable approximations to relevance in late data is a constant strain on the forecasters patience. The techniques employed should be able to produce meaningful results quickly. Delay in result will adversely affect the managerial decisions.
(vi) Economy:
Cost is a primary consideration which should be weighted against the importance of the forecasts to the business operations. A question may arise: How much money and managerial effort should be allocated to obtain a high level of forecasting accuracy? The criterion here is the economic considera­tion.
(vii) Simplicity:
Statistical and econometric models are certainly useful but they are intolerably complex. To those executives who have a fear of mathematics, these methods would appear to be Latin or Greek. The procedure should, therefore, be simple and easy so that the management may appreciate and understand why it has been adopted by the forecaster.
(viii) Consistency:
The forecaster has to deal with various components which are independent. If he does not make an adjustment in one component to bring it in line with a forecast of another, he would achieve a whole which would appear consistent.
Forecasting Techniques

Demand forecasting is a difficult exercise. Making estimates for future under the changing con­ditions is a Herculean task. Consumers’ behaviour is the most unpredictable one because it is motivated and influenced by a multiplicity of forces. There is no easy method or a simple formula which enables the manager to predict the future.
Economists and statisticians have developed several methods of demand forecasting. Each of these methods has its relative advantages and disadvantages. Selection of the right method is essential to make demand forecasting accurate. In demand forecasting, a judicious combination of statistical skill and rational judgement is needed.
Mathematical and statistical techniques are essential in classifying relationships and providing techniques of analysis, but they are in no way an alternative for sound judgement. Sound judgement is a prime requisite for good forecast.
The judgment should be based upon facts and the personal bias of the forecaster should not prevail upon the facts. Therefore, a mid way should be followed between mathematical techniques and sound judgment or pure guess work.
The more commonly used methods of demand forecasting are discussed below:
The various methods of demand forecasting can be summarised in the form of a chart as shown in Table 1.

1. Opinion Polling Method:
In this method, the opinion of the buyers, sales force and experts could be gathered to determine the emerging trend in the market.
The opinion polling methods of demand forecasting are of three kinds:
(a) Consumer’s Survey Method or Survey of Buyer’s Intentions:
In this method, the consumers are directly approached to disclose their future purchase plans. I his is done by interviewing all consumers or a selected group of consumers out of the relevant popu­lation. This is the direct method of estimating demand in the short run. Here the burden of forecasting is shifted to the buyer. The firm may go in for complete enumeration or for sample surveys. If the commodity under consideration is an intermediate product then the industries using it as an end product are surveyed.
(i) Complete Enumeration Survey:
Under the Complete Enumeration Survey, the firm has to go for a door to door survey for the forecast period by contacting all the households in the area. This method has an advantage of first hand, unbiased information, yet it has its share of disadvantages also. The major limitation of this method is that it requires lot of resources, manpower and time.
In this method, consumers may be reluctant to reveal their purchase plans due to personal privacy or commercial secrecy. Moreover, at times the con­sumers may not express their opinion properly or may deliberately misguide the investigators.
(ii) Sample Survey and Test Marketing:
Under this method some representative households are selected on random basis as samples and their opinion is taken as the generalised opinion. This method is based on the basic assumption that the sample truly represents the population. If the sample is the true representative, there is likely to be no significant difference in the results obtained by the survey. Apart from that, this method is less tedious and less costly.
A variant of sample survey technique is test marketing. Product testing essentially involves placing the product with a number of users for a set period. Their reactions to the product are noted after a period of time and an estimate of likely demand is made from the result. These are suitable for new products or for radically modified old products for which no prior data exists. It is a more scientific method of estimating likely demand because it stimulates a national launch in a closely defined geo­graphical area.
(iii) End Use Method or Input-Output Method:
This method is quite useful for industries which are mainly producer’s goods. In this method, the sale of the product under consideration is projected as the basis of demand survey of the industries using this product as an intermediate product, that is, the demand for the final product is the end user demand of the intermediate product used in the production of this final product.
The end user demand estimation of an intermediate product may involve many final good industries using this product at home and abroad. It helps us to understand inter-industry’ relations. In input-output accounting two matrices used are the transaction matrix and the input co-efficient matrix. The major efforts required by this type are not in its operation but in the collection and presentation of data.
(b) Sales Force Opinion Method:
This is also known as collective opinion method. In this method, instead of consumers, the opinion of the salesmen is sought. It is sometimes referred as the “grass roots approach” as it is a bottom-up method that requires each sales person in the company to make an individual forecast for his or her particular sales territory.
These individual forecasts are discussed and agreed with the sales manager. The composite of all forecasts then constitutes the sales forecast for the organisation. The advantages of this method are that it is easy and cheap. It does not involve any elaborate statistical treatment. The main merit of this method lies in the collective wisdom of salesmen. This method is more useful in forecasting sales of new products.
(c) Experts Opinion Method:
This method is also known as “Delphi Technique” of investigation. The Delphi method requires a panel of experts, who are interrogated through a sequence of questionnaires in which the responses to one questionnaire are used to produce the next questionnaire. Thus any information available to some experts and not to others is passed on, enabling all the experts to have access to all the information for forecasting.
The method is used for long term forecasting to estimate potential sales for new products. This method presumes two conditions: Firstly, the panellists must be rich in their expertise, possess wide range of knowledge and experience. Secondly, its conductors are objective in their job. This method has some exclusive advantages of saving time and other resources.
2. Statistical Method:
Statistical methods have proved to be immensely useful in demand forecasting. In order to main­tain objectivity, that is, by consideration of all implications and viewing the problem from an external point of view, the statistical methods are used.
The important statistical methods are:
(i) Trend Projection Method:
A firm existing for a long time will have its own data regarding sales for past years. Such data when arranged chronologically yield what is referred to as ‘time series’. Time series shows the past sales with effective demand for a particular product under normal conditions. Such data can be given in a tabular or graphic form for further analysis. This is the most popular method among business firms, partly because it is simple and inexpensive and partly because time series data often exhibit a persistent growth trend.
Time series has got four types of components namely, Secular Trend (T), Secular Variation (S), Cyclical Element (C), and an Irregular or Random Variation (I). These elements are expressed by the equation O = TSCI. Secular trend refers to the long run changes that occur as a result of general tendency.
Seasonal variations refer to changes in the short run weather pattern or social habits. Cyclical variations refer to the changes that occur in industry during depression and boom. Random variation refers to the factors which are generally able such as wars, strikes, flood, famine and so on.
When a forecast is made the seasonal, cyclical and random variations are removed from the observed data. Thus only the secular trend is left. This trend is then projected. Trend projection fits a trend line to a mathematical equation.
The trend can be estimated by using any one of the following methods:
(a) The Graphical Method,
(b) The Least Square Method.
a) Graphical Method:
This is the most simple technique to determine the trend. All values of output or sale for different years are plotted on a graph and a smooth free hand curve is drawn passing through as many points as possible. The direction of this free hand curve—upward or downward— shows the trend. A simple illustration of this method is given in Table 2.
Table 2: Sales of Firm
Sales (Rs. Crore)
In Fig. 1, AB is the trend line which has been drawn as free hand curve passing through the various points representing actual sale values.

(b) Least Square Method:
Under the least square method, a trend line can be fitted to the time series data with the help of statistical techniques such as least square regression. When the trend in sales over time is given by straight line, the equation of this line is of the form: y = a + bx. Where ‘a’ is the intercept and ‘b’ shows the impact of the independent variable. We have two variables—the inde­pendent variable x and the dependent variable y. The line of best fit establishes a kind of mathematical relationship between the two variables .v and y. This is expressed by the regression у on x.
In order to solve the equation v = a + bx, we have to make use of the following normal equations:
Σ y = na + b ΣX
Σ xy =a Σ x+b Σ x2
(ii) Barometric Technique:
A barometer is an instrument of measuring change. This method is based on the notion that “the future can be predicted from certain happenings in the present.” In other words, barometric techniques are based on the idea that certain events of the present can be used to predict the directions of change in the future. This is accomplished by the use of economic and statistical indicators which serve as barometers of economic change.
Generally forecasters correlate a firm’s sales with three series: Leading Series, Coincident or Concurrent Series and Lagging Series:
(a) The Leading Series:
The leading series comprise those factors which move up or down before the recession or recovery starts. They tend to reflect future market changes. For example, baby powder sales can be forecasted by examining the birth rate pattern five years earlier, because there is a correlation between the baby powder sales and children of five years of age and since baby powder sales today are correlated with birth rate five years earlier, it is called lagged correlation. Thus we can say that births lead to baby soaps sales.
(b) Coincident or Concurrent Series:
The coincident or concurrent series are those which move up or down simultaneously with the level of the economy. They are used in confirming or refuting the validity of the leading indicator used a few months afterwards. Common examples of coinciding indicators are G.N.P itself, industrial production, trading and the retail sector.
(c) The Lagging Series:
The lagging series are those which take place after some time lag with respect to the business cycle. Examples of lagging series are, labour cost per unit of the manufacturing output, loans outstanding, leading rate of short term loans, etc.
(iii) Regression Analysis:
It attempts to assess the relationship between at least two variables (one or more independent and one dependent), the purpose being to predict the value of the dependent variable from the specific value of the independent variable. The basis of this prediction generally is historical data. This method starts from the assumption that a basic relationship exists between two variables. An interactive statistical analysis computer package is used to formulate the mathematical relationship which exists.
For example, one may build up the sales model as:
Quantum of Sales = a. price + b. advertising + c. price of the rival products + d. personal disposable income +u
Where a, b, c, d are the constants which show the effect of corresponding variables as sales. The constant u represents the effect of all the variables which have been left out in the equation but having effect on sales. In the above equation, quantum of sales is the dependent variable and the variables on the right hand side of the equation are independent variables. If the expected values of the independent variables are substituted in the equation, the quantum of sales will then be forecasted.
The regression equation can also be written in a multiplicative form as given below:
Quantum of Sales = (Price)a + (Advertising)b+ (Price of the rival products) c + (Personal dispos­able income Y + u
In the above case, the exponent of each variable indicates the elasticities of the corresponding variable. Stating the independent variables in terms of notation, the equation form is QS = P°8. Ao42 . R°.83. Y2°.68. 40
Then we can say that 1 per cent increase in price leads to 0.8 per cent change in quantum of sales and so on.
If we take logarithmic form of the multiple equation, we can write the equation in an additive form as follows:
log QS = a log P + b log A + с log R + d log Yd + log u
In the above equation, the coefficients a, b, c, and d represent the elasticities of variables P, A, R and Yd respectively.
The co-efficient in the logarithmic regression equation are very useful in policy decision making by the management.
(iv) Econometric Models:
Econometric models are an extension of the regression technique whereby a system of independ­ent regression equation is solved. The requirement for satisfactory use of the econometric model in forecasting is under three heads: variables, equations and data.
The appropriate procedure in forecast­ing by econometric methods is model building. Econometrics attempts to express economic theories in mathematical terms in such a way that they can be verified by statistical methods and to measure the impact of one economic variable upon another so as to be able to predict future events.
Utility of Forecasting
Forecasting reduces the risk associated with business fluctuations which generally produce harm­ful effects in business, create unemployment, induce speculation, discourage capital formation and reduce the profit margin. Forecasting is indispensable and it plays a very important part in the determi­nation of various policies. In modem times forecasting has been put on scientific footing so that the risks associated with it have been considerably minimised and the chances of precision increased.
Forecasts in India
In most of the advanced countries there are specialised agencies. In India businessmen are not at all interested in making scientific forecasts. They depend more on chance, luck and astrology. They are highly superstitious and hence their forecasts are not correct. Sufficient data are not available to make reliable forescasts. However, statistics alone do not forecast future conditions. Judgment, experience and knowledge of the particular trade are also necessary to make proper analysis and interpretation and to arrive at sound conclusions.
Decision support systems consist of three elements: decision, prediction and control. It is, of course, with prediction that marketing forecasting is concerned. The forecasting of sales can be re­garded as a system, having inputs apprises and an output.
This simplistic view serves as a useful measure for the analysis of the true worth of sales forecasting as an aid to management. In spite of all these no one can predict future economic activity with certainty. Forecasts are estimates about which no one can be sure.
, the ideal forecasting method is one that yields returns over cost with accuracy, seems reasonable, can be formalised for reasonably long periods, can meet new circumstances adeptly and can give up-to-date results. The method of forecasting is not the same for all products.
There is no unique method for forecasting the sale of any commodity. The forecaster may try one or the other method depending upon his objective, data availability, the urgency with which forecasts are needed, resources he intends to devote to this work and type of commodity whose demand he wants to forecast.


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